Sunday, July 29, 2012

Ahhhhh, Sundays, make time for yourself!

I love working out on Sundays, mainly due to the fact that my workload is limited and I can fully concentrate on myself. I don't mean to sound self centered here, but everyone needs self improvement time in order to continue to help others. A usual weekday for me is about 5-6 hours of personal training and 5-6 hours of managing my various businesses. If I want to continue to help my clients progress, I need to be full of natural energy.

Brant talked about commitment in his last post, and to continue to adhere to your commitments, you need to make time for yourself. I'm pretty sure Brant would touch on meditation right here, but whatever it is for you, take a few hours out of your Sunday and have YOU time: re energize, re invigorate your mind and spirit, get ready and relaxed for the week ahead, and most of all, think of ways to make this week better than the last, then make plans to make these advancements become a reality.

Here is my Sunday workout, "me time" to the fullest:

-Fully Fasted at 1 pm, (recorded bass all morning, up at 9am)
-25 minutes of PVC pipe and lacrosse ball rolling, 5 mins of dynamic movement.
-Chin Ups with a 75 lb db in between my thighs, knees bent, legs parallel to ground (Mr. Litwack  pull ups, a.k.a gorilla pull ups) 5x5
-Single Arm Assisted Neutral Grip pull ups 5x5 (40 lbs of assistance)
-Incline Bench Press 225lbs 5x5
-Sumo deadlift 320lbs 5x5 (Grip began to wear)
- Clean and Jerk plus Lunge (from top of jerk, lunge down) 5x2 50% of clean and jerk max, 145 lbs (my first time doing this, I think the Olympics have inspired me, doing a lot of more Olympic lifts these past two weeks)

-Zac a.k.a Gorilla

1 comment:

  1. Solid workout Zac, I'm going to need to work on those specific types of pull-ups/chin-ups!
